Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hit the Gym or go to Costco!

Hey. So last week I wanted to try and increase my gym time from 3 times a week to at least 5 times in the hopes that this would burn my fat and calories and my weekly weigh-ins would get a little higher. So I hit the gym 4 days in a row and by Friday I needed a break! Everything hurt. I needed to go to best buy to look for a new compact fridge for my room and my parents wanted to take a trip to Costco later in the day, so I agreed to join them.

As most store trips go Best Buy was pretty standard. There were ten employee's standing around the computer and TV section of the store as I did laps around the appliance section of the store with no one to help me. I finally snagged a passing employee to help me get the compact fridge I wanted down off the upper shelves. The multiple laps around the section and the lifting and carrying of the fridge helped me to obtain my step count for the day and shot my calorie burn right on up the scale!

A short time after installing the fridge in my room it was time to head to Costco! Everyone packed into the truck and off we go. I haven't gone shopping with my parents in forever and during this trip I was swearing to myself "Never again!".
I am not a leisurely walker/shopper. I like to get in and go what I'm after and get out. My mother, not so much! Up and down aisles, most of which had nothing she wanted. By the end of the shopping trip I was exhausted! I actually burned 580 calories OVER my daily target.

Morale of the story. If you don't want to go to the gym, go shopping!

Take care, until next time!

1 comment:

  1. Women everywhere rejoiced when they were validated that stretching your legs and swiping your credit card counted as excercise. Maybe next time I am not in the mood for bootcamp, I will hit the mall. :)
